This is our site at Soundcloud. Audio-4-Media royalty free  production background music for your videos or other projects.

Visit and like us on Facebook. Audio-4-Media royalty free  background music for commercials , movies, videos, vlogs etc.

New video example for the song: Woohoo Upbeat Indie Rock. This is an energetic, powerful royalty free music track  for every positive mood with a lot of fun.

Our Top Of royalty free Music

Thanks to great royalty free music library’s, your projects will come to a higher level. Our previews  let you listen to some of the best tracks for your creations . Come in and get more!

Monetize your Videos

all of the royalty free music allow to monetize your videos without any questions of anywhere else.

pay online

easy pay online and get your files and license directly.

Save your Rights

your lifetime license is saved. Save your rights with royalty free music.

music for every project

You can use royalty free music in every commercial or non commercial project.

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Copyrights by Audio4Media 2017